"If you drive a car,
I'll tax the street. If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat. If you get
too cold, I'll tax the heat. If you talk a walk, I'll tax your feet.
Taxman! Well, I'm the Taxman."
— The
Beatles ("Taxman" song)
Passage of the FairTax will
take a groundswell of support from citizens across the country. To make
this happen, volunteers like you are needed to help spread the word
about the positive impact the FairTax will have on our nation. Yes, YOU
can make a difference by writing to your elected representatives,
writing letters to editors, making presentations to clubs and civic
organizations, and telling your friends and neighbors about the
FairTax. To assist you in your efforts, a variety of resources are
provided here. Please feel free to use them! (Many of the
documents listed below are in PDF format. You will need to have the
Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to view these documents. To download the
free PDF reader, click here.)
PA Fairtax Volunteer Team
For further assistance,
check our PA volunteer team list for an AFFT member closest to you. We
will be happy to help and answer questions.
» Contact a local PA FairTax team member near
» Contact
the FairTax PA State Director
Find Your Elected U.S. and
PA House and Senate Members
It is important for your U.S. legislators to know where you stand on
the Federal FairTax proposal if we are to get their support for
passage. Please call or write both your U.S. Senators and your district
U.S. House member now and often to pressure them to take action to
support H.R. 25 and S. 122. You can find your U.S. elected district
officials and their contact information through our link to Rep Ron
Paul's Liberty Committee. Simply search by zipcode, address, or State
» Find
your elected U.S. district officials
» Check
PA Scorecard – See how your U.S. District House Rep stands
PA State: While FairTax is a
federal bill, passage is important to our state of Pennsylvania, as it
will help the economy grow and provide Pennsylvania with much needed
additional State revenues. FairTax rather than organized gambling is
the way to provide Pennsylvania with productive additional revenues for
State and property tax reductions. Therefore, we ask that you contact
your Pennsylvania State House and Senate members, and ask them to use
their influence on our federal legislators to help get the FairTax
passed. To find your Pennsylvania district congressional members
representing you in Harrisburg, use the link below and enter your
zipcode in the upper right–hand corner.
» Locate PA State House and Senate members in
» Cover Letter format to PA State Legislator
in Harrisburg
» Endorsement letter format for PA State
Legislator in Harrisburg
Sample Letters — Ideas for
Contacting Representatives and Media
Pennsylvania TV, Radio, and
Newspaper Sources
Get media contact information
for press releases and letters to the editor
» Contact media and press Information
Volunteer Materials
We have included resource materials to make spreading the word about
the FairTax easy and effective. Please feel free to use any of these
materials in your efforts. - FairTax
Petition (PDF format, 1 page) — Use the petition to obtain
signatures of support and then mail them back to us at the address
provided. We will combine them with 100's of others and hand deliver
them to our federal legislative offices (locally) to maximize their
- FairTax
six minute Audio/Video Animated Presentation — Forward this
moving audio/video presentation link around to everyone you can.
Education on FairTax H.R. 25 and S. 122 is the key to passage! At six minutes
long, this may take some time to download, but it's worth it!
- Americans
for Fair Taxation Organizational Summary (PDF format, 1 page)
— Who are the Americans for Fair Taxation? How and why did they develop
the FairTax Act? A good starter handout.
- FairTax
FAQ (PDF format, 22 pages) — Answers to 50 frequently asked
questions about the FairTax Act.
- FairTax Personal Net Effective Rate
Calculator — Totally anonymous. To compare apples to apples
you should compare your FairTax Rate to the actual income tax rate you
pay, but remember to add your FICA payroll taxes to your income tax
amount, as FairTax also covers these payments.
- 23%
Inclusive vs 30% Exclusive FairTax Rate Explanation (PDF
format, 3 pages) — Is it 23% or 30%? It's both! Read an in depth
explanation of quoted FairTax rates with examples.
- 23%
Inclusive Revenue Neutral Rate Calculations (PDF format, 1
page) — This shows exactly how the 23% inclusive — 30% exclusive sales
tax rate was determined.
- FairTax
Brochure (PDF format, 40 pages) — FairTax
Brochure (MSWord, 4 pages) — This brochure can be attached to
an email to a friend or associate, or printed for distribution.
- Tax Effective Rates (PNG image, 1
page) — This one-page chart demonstrates how the FairTax rebate
protects all families from paying tax on necessities up to the poverty
- FairTax
Pocket Card (PDF format, 1 page) — This handy document prints
a pocket-sized card of FairTax Facts.
- FairTax
Talking Points (PDF format, 4 pages ) — Talking points are
designed as an outline for a 15 to 30 minute speech.
- FairTax
PowerPoint Presentation (PPT format, 10 slides) — This
PowerPoint slideshow is designed for a 20 - 30 minute presentation. Right
click the file link here and "save target",
then open in PowerPoint. (This presentation requires Microsoft
PowerPoint Viewer. If you do not have MS PowerPoint Viewer installed, click here for the free download.)
FairTax Books

Links to Other Websites
Congressman Rob Woodall
Congressman Rob Woodall (GA-7) is the primary sponsor of H.R. 25 and is working tirelessly to
promote the FairTax.
» Visit Congressman Woodall's Website
Americans for Fair Taxation
The Americans for Fair
Taxation (AFFT) is the national organization created to promote passage
of the FairTax Act, H.R. 25.
» Visit AFFT's National Website
National Retail Sales Tax
NRSTA's sole purpose is
uniting and educating Americans on creating a better tax system to fund
our federal government.
» Visit the National Retail Sales Tax Alliance
"To make democracy
work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers."
— Louis
L'Amour, American author
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